Monday, December 4, 2017

Carol One: O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Listen to this instrumental version of O Come, O Come Emmanuel and as you do let the words of the second verse of this Carol sit, simmer, and sing to your heart, especially as the violin draws you in:

O come, O Wisdom from on high,
who ordered all things mightily;
to us the path of knowledge show
and teach us in its ways to go.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to you, O Israel.

I find these words incredibly profound and poignant, especially if you dig deep beneath the words.  First, Emmanuel means God with us and for us.  God ~ not distant ~ but here and now in your very life.  Second, the call for wisdom speaks deeply to my soul in these December days.  I need, crave, long for, and am restless for wisdom.  This wisdom is about more than simply knowing something.  I crave, need, long for and am restless for wisdom that impact and influence how I live my life.  I can know something mentally and yet it doesn't make a big difference.  I know that diet soda is not great for me, water is better, but I still enjoy one every now and then.  We know that certain behavior (smoking or excessive drinking or shopping on credit we cannot pay off) has negative ramifications on our lives.  Yet, those problems still exist...not because of a lack of information, but a lack of ability for transformation.

You see, the wisdom I long for transforms my life.  A kind of truth that not only nudges me, a truth that takes me by the hand and says emphatically, "You will go here."  And yet, God's wisdom doesn't insist, it doesn't demand but invites us into a holy mystery. 

How do we listen for the knowledge of God to teach us?  I think it means slowing down and truly listening.  I find words of hymns and poems to be some of the most helpful ways of hearing, really hearing, what God is up to in my life.  Listening for the words that wrap around my soul with bands of love.  I invite you to write down the places you long for wisdom.  Perhaps in a relationship with a family member or a situation or an event or way to be.  What are those places and people for whom you would like wisdom/knowledge/God's guidance?  Then wait.  Not passively as though God will text you, but wait actively and attentively.  Read some poems, keep listening to music, slow down so your own shy soul can get a word in edge wise.  It may not come immediately, but over the course of days and weeks leading up to Christmas, I believe the work of the Spirit works in our lives.

Prayer:  God of wisdom slowly entering our lives, help us patiently and persistently be open to You in these December days.  Amen.  

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...