Monday, December 18, 2017

Carol Eight: Angels from the Realms of Glory

Just because I want to complete the angel is Angels from the Realms of Glory...and here are the words for you to join the choir to sing along:

Angels from the realms of glory, 
wing your flight o'er all the earth; 
ye who sang creation's story 
now proclaim Messiah's birth: 
Come and worship, come and worship, 
worship Christ, the newborn king.

Shepherds, in the field abiding, 
watching o'er your flocks by night, 
God with us is now residing; 
yonder shines the infant light: [Refrain]

Sages, leave your contemplations, 
brighter visions beam afar; 
seek the great Desire of nations; 
ye have seen his natal star: 

A few of these lines leap out and land in my lap as I listen.  First, the image of the angels singing creation's story.  I love that creation has a story, albeit one that right now is heart-breaking as we witness ice caps melting and the earth's temperatures rising.   Moreover, living as I do in Florida, I am well aware that the sea level is rising too.  Look out a window right now...what is creation's story telling or trying to teach you?  Again, in a place where I am always surrounded by green (albeit shades of that color), I do notice that the grass is dormant compared to just a few months ago.  I notice that plants have slowed their growth.  While there is life, it is singing a softer tune and telling a slower story.  To align my circadian rhythm with creation invites me to slow down.

Second, the image of sages leaving your is easy for me to get stuck in my head.  After all, it is where I have some of my best insights and ideas.  But to leave what comes naturally or feels normal for a new place.  That is really what Scripture attests to over and over again.  Abraham and Sarah leave the only home they knew for some undisclosed location; Moses leaves his father-in-law to go back to Egypt where he was an outlaw; Elijah flees for his life and gets called back to the people who wanted his head on a platter; prophets are called to speak truth to those in power (which throughout history rarely ends well); Jesus leaves his home to travel to people who are lost, lonely and feel left out/left behind.  Leave seems to be one of God's favorite words.

If you had to leave right now...could you?  Would you?  I might say, "But my kids have finals this week."  Or, "I have Christmas Eve services to get ready."  Or maybe leaving isn't always physical but to leave behind that which is no longer helpful.  Can I leave behind worry and fear?  Can I leave behind working and wanting to prove myself?  Or do I think they will just follow me to Bethlehem and beyond to 2018?  Perhaps, but you never know if you don't start out.

So come...come and worship the One who is out in front beckoning and calling to us.

Prayer: God of the road less traveled, help us find pathways that respond to You, even when we have to let go and leave behind some of the luggage we've grown accustom to carrying.  Amen.  

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...