Friday, September 29, 2017

Theology - identity

God, You fashioned us from dust
Breathed life into our lungs
So that with every breath we might know Your nearness.

God, You left Your fingerprints all over our life,
Your divine DNA is woven into our own,
The very same as the star dust above our head,
In beauty and complexity and simplicity.

God, You call us as Your own.
One who You share the power to create.

Yet, not every thing we make is worthy of being hung proudly on refrigerators.

Our lives can feel like a second-grade art project
where the macaroni is covered/coated in gobs of glue
and the markers have left a messy abstract image
leaving our parents to wonder if it was supposed to be a duck??

Our lives can feel like a second-grade art project
where the relationships become more broken than Humpty-dumpty
and the words we post on social media, tweet and sometimes even say face-to-face
are abstract and obtuse and hurt more than help.
leaving others to wonder if we really care?

Our lives can feel like a second-grade art project
where there is beauty in the messiness...
where we don't have to say in the lines...
where there is a holiness in the chaos.

Our lives can feel like a second-grade art project
where we keep trying to share in the inventive powers of creation
where we keep offering our best efforts and attempts
where we can learn more from doing it wrong than right.

Help us see this past week in all its glorious amateur amazing-ness.
For the parts where we need gobs of Your glue called grace.
For the parts where we joyfully color our lives with purple and red.
For the parts where we leave for You to enter in.

Let our lives be a beautiful second-grade art project in these days...
And may we find and express ourselves reflecting Your creative...loving...grace filled fingerprints in these days.


Grace and peace ~~

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