Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday morning prayer

Let Your love, O God, burning brightly like a candle in my life.
Let Your wisdom lead me deeper into the soupy mystery of life
       where I don't see as well and need Your light.
Let Your challenge rummage and roam around this hour,
       and every hour.
Let Your care be mixed into the messiness, in to the recipe of life.
Let Your playfulness causes smiles that well up from my soul.
Let Your creativity pour forth from my fingers, tips, and presence.
Let Your hopefulness that You are not finished so neither should I be.
Let Your joy spring up...for there are a thousand blessings in a thousand ordinary Tuesdays.
Let Your presence dance and may I have the courage/conviction to join with reckless abandon.
Let You be.
Let me be open.

May these words be fore than fixed in cyberspace, let them find space in my soul to breathe anew and afresh for such a time as this.


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