Now the apostles and the believers who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also accepted the word of God. So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him, saying, “Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them?” Then Peter began to explain it to them, step by step. Acts 11
In the last post, we explored God reaching out to Cornelius, someone who was the embodiment of the enemy. How God went first to Cornelius, then to Peter. How the proverbial light bulb burned brightly for Cornelius faster than when we flick a light switch Peter was a bit dimmer and took long to realize, recognize what God was up to. Eventually, Peter gets it. He forms a friendship with Cornelius. You would think, "All is well that ends well." You would think, "That's a wrap, roll credit." But wait...Acts isn't interested in fairy tale endings, Acts wants to reflect life!
So, when word gets around that Peter...Mr.-I-Will-Build-My-Church-on-this Jesus said, is with God in cahoots with they have become more than friend-a-enemies...his own tribe doesn't like it one bit. I can hear them can you actually like that person? Do you know who they voted for? What's the deal, Peter, are you with us or against us? C'mon on now, you know who really has your back. Just get back in line, Peter, with what you really know to be true.
Any time you try to change, people are going to try to talk/guilt/defend/deflect you back into your old self. As humans we like homeostasis...and when someone rocks the boat, we will do whatever we can to reestablish order as we know it. Or put another way, change is go first and stay away from me. If you really try to live these words people are going to get all-kinds of annoyed with you. They will say some hurtful things, because bottom line...we don't like change.
You, like Peter, have a choice. Renounce this harder way of loving enemies and living the words/wisdom of Jesus or walk step-by-step with the people who were once your friends only now you are not so sure. If you try to talk to someone who is different than you...racially, economically, sexual orientation, politically - especially that last one right now in such a world as this - the people who are part of your tribe are going to wonder if you have lost your mind. They will see it as their personal mission to make sure you cease and desist immediately. Because if you change that is going to challenge them. Because if you, who they like, starts acting up and out, then s/he might have to do the same thing. And our inner-three-year-old will stomp a foot and say, "I don't wanna!!"
Can you let these two short pieces of Scripture sit and simmer in your soul right now? Can you let these words offer more than a trace of grace, but an actually invitation for living today? Can you answer, who is Cornelius for you today? How can you respond, react? Do you realize, that like Peter, others are not going to be thrilled about your sudden change of heart?
May God's peace call out to you, embrace and enfold you, and offer you/us a safe place to ponder prayerfully...then go and do likewise.
Grace and peace ~~
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
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