Saturday, May 27, 2017

Beyond Games prayer

Boundless God...

We are so good at trying to figure our the rules to life.
We want to be safe and secure from all alarms.
We long to be part of the inside group.

Your prodigal/extravagant/amazing/abundant grace scares us.
We'd rather define and confine the party to people like us.
We'd rather baptize our own believes, that let go to trust in Your unconditional love.

Challenge us beyond commercialism.
Transform us from transactional understanding.
Keep nudging us with a nourishing sense that there is more than we can possibly understand.

Each day is a mystery of meaning.
And we barely see the beauty of a clean plate or really taste the sweetness of a grape.

Each day is full of Your grace.
And we get caught up in defining and confining where we'd be okay for Your grace to go.

Boundless God...
We pray that Your unconditionalness would define not only Your love, but Your patience.

We can be a bit stubborn about this.
We can want to pontificate and preach, rather than be and breathe.

Help us this day to be steeped in a sacred stirring of Your spirit that makes all the difference.

In the name of the One who lived his life caught up in Your flow, Jesus the Christ.


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