Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sacred Every Day Part Four

Such a simple thing to behold...
Such an ordinary item to be sure.
A piece of bread held pinched gently between my thumb and finger.
A piece of bread that when tasted does linger.
There is a truth so daring and bold.
That God knows us...even in brokenness...with a grace to hold.

Such a truth is too simplistic we might jest.
If God care so much, why don't we just suffer less?
Why the pain, the war, the famine, and peril,
Why in the world would God use valley moments when we feel stuck in a barrel?

Surely, a God who is there only in laughter, doesn't make sense either.
Rather a sacred flow that surrounds, especially when I seether
And then those days when it isn't up or it is neither.
Just a moment to see the average, ordinariness of breathing.

So, this tiny piece of bread holds infinite grace and invisible molecules dancing.
And the deeper truth that since matter is never destroyed, it just keeps prancing.
There might even be Christ's fingerprints in this morsel between my fingers.
Because words fail...when grace lingers.

My prayer this day is for grace to abound!
And may this God's voice comfort and surround.
Let this ordinary moment seep deep in your hearts.
A piece of bread is a great place to start.

Grace and peace ~~


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