Monday, January 9, 2017

Hymns of Faith Part 1

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.  And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me?  For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.  Luke 1:42-45

Having launched into Luke, we can turn to four hymns that are beautifully sung in the opening chapters of Luke.  Two by women, two by men.  Each offers a beautiful expression and testimony of faith.  While usually not usually considered in this category, Elizabeth's blessing that is offered to Mary upon the threshold of Elizabeth's home, in my opinion should be.  It is a holy moment leading up to these words.  Mary has heard that she is to be the God-bearer from Gabriel.  While initially Mary questions this, she embraces this calling and accepts the responsibility.  Mary would have been the subject of town gossip, leers and sneers and giggles.  She may have even been called to her face a "Mamzer" who has had an illegitimate child.  Like the scarlet letter, this term had power.  It would have also cast Jesus as an outcast.  I have wondered if perhaps Jesus was most comfortable with outcasts, the lowly or lost, because that was the lunch table at school growing up.

Mary set out.  Maybe she flees.  Maybe in a moment she realizes what she has agreed to do... the social and religious consequences of being the God-bearer.  What was she thinking?!?  So, she run to Elizabeth's home.  Elizabeth pregnant with the possibility of God in John the Baptizer in her womb.  Stop with me right there...two unknown women to those with power and prestige ~ that is how God chooses to enter our world.  That should give us pause when we wonder what is God up to.  On top of that, consider that while both these mothers know they are bringing about light into darkness; hope into will take years for that light to shine fully in the lives of others.  The world is pregnant with the possibility of promise and hope...but it does not move at the speed of the is not breaking news in the sense we would recognize.  God's still creating and crafting presence works on kairos (sacred) not chronos (human) time.

And when Mary arrived at the doorstep, out of breath...fear still caught in her throat.  Wait...what if Elizabeth isn't as accepting and loving as Mary prayed she would be?  Wait...what if Elizabeth slams the door in her face or says, "How could you do this?!?"  We know all too well the weight of family's disproving and hurtful words.  We know all to well that sometimes the bounds that tie/tether us together through DNA can cut us off from life.  We all know parts of our family that put "fun" in dysfunction.  But before Mary could flee again.  Elizabeth flings open the door.  Elizabeth flings open her heart.  Elizabeth flings open a beautiful hymn of acceptance and affirmation.  How many of us would have loved to hear a family member say to us, "Blessed are you!"  Yet, that is exactly what God says the moment of our birth/baptism/every morning we open our eyes.  Blessed are be a blessing.  A good hymn flows through us...and leaves a trace of God's grace.   A good hymn stirs our souls and we feel our full worth.  Elizabeth might not normally be counted in a scholarly way among the hymns of Luke...that is our mistake for her words are every bit as holy and melodious as what we will consider in the coming posts.

But for now, hear Elizabeth's words as being sung to you..."Blessed are you...for my heart leaps with joy and hope and anticipation at the sound of your voice."  That is exactly what God's presence longs for each of us to see about ourselves and others!  And if we could do that...there would be more than a trace of God's grace in this world.

Blessings ~

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...