Friday, October 21, 2016

Exodus Review Part Deux

Just one simple insight today.  When Moses found himself on holy ground, his toes sinking into the warm sand, his face feeling the warmth of the burning bush, and his heart strangely warm, there was the sensation of being in the generative presence of our creative God.  Moses was asked to go back to the place from which he fled.  The place where the Pharaoh had put a price on his head.  The place he was pretty sure he never wanted to see again. " want me to go where God?  Yeah.  Here is the thing....I'd rather not!"

But God can be persistent and insistent.  God continues to respond to Moses' objections.  So, when Moses says, "Well, clearly the people are gonna want to know Your name God.  What should I say?"  Moses thought he had God in an Egypt...rock/hard place.  Would God risk the vulnerability of revealing the divine name?  Could any of us really ever truly know God so intimately as God knows us?

So God say, "Yah-weh".  I am who I am.  Or I will be who I will be.  Or my first name is the same as my last name.  Or my favorite translation is that since Yah-weh really isn't any kind of word, maybe it was the sound of God breathing.  Breathing the divine breath on Moses.  Just as God's generative, creative power surfed over the chaos in the God stirred over the chaos swirling in Moses with a simple breath.

Moses surrounded by the swirling spirit of God.

Today...go outside.  Close your eyes.  Feel the breeze.  Feel the breath of God baptize your skin.

And breathe in God.


And may the traces of God's grace stir in your life.

Blessings ~

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