Friday, October 14, 2016

Being Un-necessary Part Two

Really...this topic again?

Un-necessary makes us uncomfortable.
Un-necessary for too long is unbearable.
In fact...maybe it is un-necessary to keep talking about this.

Barbara Brown Taylor defines that Sabbath as the day we are "good for nothing."
We stop.
We stand still.
We allow God to catch up to our constant on-the-go ways.

For a people on the move to stand still once a week for the forty years of wandering in the wilderness might have seemed un-bearable.
Can't we get keep making progress, Moses?
What if we just walk for half the day...maybe we might get there a little quicker?

Just before God gives the people of God the life-giving invitation to stop at least once a week,
Moses' father-in-law offers the same wisdom.

Stop...Moses...just simply be.
You can't be all things to all people...even if you keep trying.
You can't make all the people happy all the time...because people will only be as happy as they make their minds up to be.
You can't be helpful to anyone if there are not moments when you focus on the truth that you are God's beloved.

We stop to remember God's grace is not a balance sheet.
Grace is not about right beliefs.
Grace is not about our volunteer hours.
Grace is.
Grace is the self-giving of God not because of what we do or accomplishments,
Grace is.

So may the grace of God who invites us to be un-necessary at least once a week, stir in your life with the trace of this deep truth.

Blessings ~

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