Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lent: Prayerful and Intentional

Today is my birthday..
When I was a kid that meant cupcakes for my class...
When I was a teenager it meant hanging out with friends...
When I was in college it was a good "reason" to take a break from class.
Now, birthdays mean a little cake, a few presents, and mostly a chance to reflect.

Look back at the forty-one years, a span on earth.
Short by many comparisons.
Long when compared to those even a few centuries ago.

Forty-one years, many spent in Iowa.
Then, one birthday over dinner with friends I met my wife...
Best gift ever!
Then, one birthday we prepared for our first child...
Then, another birthday we prepared for our second...
Then, another...another...another.

They pile up faster than we wish or want.
We celebrate nevertheless...perhaps with a small cupcake, few friends, and a short break.
Might be the best way to celebrate today.
The small, sacred ways God is moving.

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