Saturday, March 19, 2016

Lent: Prayerful and Intentional

Peace with uncertainty and continued brokenness.
Strength to take the next right step toward what God is up to.
Insight, new ideas, a nudge that is needed right now.
That is our daily prayer.

In many ways we are praying for God to infuse our minds, hearts, and souls with the holy.
A holy other.
A wholly different other.
A mystery.
Where we see in a mirror dimly...which means we neither fully know but we know some.
We can never be fully confident even as we cautiously step.
This is the messy middle.
This is the place where grace moves us faithfully forward.
Never fully knowing...but always fully known.
Never fully perfect...but imperfectly beautiful.
Never fully complete...but a circle that embraces and engages and involves our whole lives.

That kind of prayer is more than a words...
It is what our faith longs for expression and where God can leave an impression.

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