Thursday, October 1, 2015

Power of music and power of community

I wanted to share the above video as a reminder about the power of community and the power of music.  The people here wanted to have the Foo Fighters come and play a concert in their they made a video.  Almost 25 million people have watched this.  First, I find it fascinating that someone came up with this idea.  Second, that people would come and do this.  But then again, people show up every Sunday to sing hymns, pray, and (what really makes me marvel) listen to a sermon!  These are not everyday activities, but there is power in the communal.  I am sure people had a blast meeting other people who drum or play guitar or sing.

In what ways are you connecting with others?  Where do you find community?

These are important questions for parents feeling stretched and pulled in many directions and that if their child doesn't get into that program the whole future is bleak.  It is important for people who are retired and wondering how to not just fill their day, but do so with purpose.  It is important for people nearing the end of life, in that last chapter, who do you write that well?

Too often, we feel isolated because we don't ask the above questions publicly.  But we need to.  We need to be willing to see how your question connects to others people's questions and how they are different.

I pray you will enjoy the video.

I pray you will seek relationships that set your soul singing.

I pray this will open you to more than a trace of God's grace.

Blessings ~

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