Sunday, March 29, 2015


Over the last few months we have journeyed through the beginning of Matthew's gospel.  I find Matthew to be a fascinating gospel.  I appreciate his intensity and his insistence that our choices matter.  I appreciate he is passionate about following Jesus and that makes a claim upon our lives.

However, Matthew can take energy to read and process and reflect upon...especially in a blog format where there is little give and take.  So, I am going to take a break from Matthew for awhile.  I am sure I will pick him up again sometime in the future.  But after Easter, I am going to switch to reflecting a bit on Paul's letter to First Corinthians and also the book, Love Wins by Rob Bell.  In June, I am going to think and write about the blessings of an imperfect life.  And then this fall, the church I serve will embark on Genesis and the beginning of all that is seen and unseen.

I hope these weekly comments on Matthew have been helpful, especially for those in the church I serve when coupled with sermons on this book.  I trust one day I will pick up where I left off and dwell with Matthew a bit more.  As we enter into Holy Week today, I pray your Palm Sunday parade was filled with joy.  I will post this week on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday too

May God grant you a holy end to Lent this year.

Blessings ~

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