Thursday, December 4, 2014


In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered.  Luke 2: 1

Aren't you glad we live in a world where there are no decrees?
Aren't you glad we are fully in control of our own lives, the master of our own domains?
Aren't you glad we live in a world where there are no obligations to attend Christmas parties?  
To participate in secret Santa exchanges?
To spend our Saturdays among crowded streets of retail refugees seeking the last Xbox?
Aren't you glad your neighbor doesn't show up with fruit cake and force you to eat a piece while faking yummy noises?

Sorry...maybe that last one is just me.

Part of the reality of the first Christmas and the Christmas today is there are all sorts of written and unwritten decrees.  We might call them, "Obligations".  We might drag our feet with slouched shoulders as we put on our reindeer tie to head out to some gatherings.  We might grumble as we write out cards to our second cousin twice removed.  These decrees don't come from some Emperor...unless you count Emily Post and Martha Stewart and other keepers of social etiquette as the Emperors.  

December brings all sorts of busyness that makes demands on our time.  Our to-do list overflows.  Our feet ache from being on the go.  Our stomach...well just see the above named fruit cake.  So often we long for something else.  We declare, "This year will be different."  But the decrees of December come a knocking and we dutifully answer the door, put on our coat, and get caught up once again in the hustle and bustle.

If that is where you are at this week...take heart.  Take heart, because the first Christmas did not come wrapped perfectly with a pretty bow.  The first Christmas did not go according to Mary and Joesph's plans.  One of the truths this season celebrates and shines a light on is the cliche, "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans."  I dare say our faith is what happens when we are busy trying to be more spiritual than we actually are.  Often as pastors, because we took Constructive Theology classes in seminary and wrote papers to be graded on the subject, we think that what we need to preach and practice is being constantly in control.  Now, don't get me wrong, I am still a type A, control-freak.  But I am also trying to be open to God's movement, creativity, voice, and life-changing love in my life...which offers its own decrees and claim of what offers life abundant.

So where does that leave us?  Should we just succumb to every invitation/decree?  Should we radically root out anything that does not make us merry and bright this December?  Or should we live in the messy middle of reality?  Where decrees come and go.  Where we make good choices and sometimes not so good choices (again see the above fruit cake for an illustration).  And through it all, we try to remember the deeper truth of Advent: to stay awake; to keep our lamps trimmed and burning; to be alert and aware...not just go through the month on auto pilot.  While that will not solve all our problems... maybe at that Christmas party you don't want to go will discover a glimmer/glint of hope.  Maybe as you are writing out the Christmas will pause and pray for your niece struggling with cancer, even call her.  Maybe you will hear the voice of God interrupting and intruding on all the busyness this time of year with a decree to breathe...and just be.

May there be more than a trace of grace in this Advent season for you.

With great hope and peace ~

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