Wednesday, January 15, 2014


So Abram went, as the Lord had told him ~ Click here to read Genesis 12:1-9

Scripture says Abram (who would eventually be re-named Abraham) was 75 years old when he pulled up the tent stakes and set out for some undisclosed locations that God was going to show him and his family.  Abram doesn't ask where he was going, in fact, he is mute to the possibility of moving - responding only by packing up the camels, circling the wagons, and heading out.

Today I set out on moving from the community that has been my home for the last seven and half years (Janesville, WI) to a new community that has called me to be their pastor (Sarasota, FL).  And today I think about Abram.  In the midst of his silence was there any trepidation or hesitancy?  Or did he just leap into the excitement of a new adventure?  Or was it a little of both?  

There is always hope that is heard with the sound of tape sealing a box.  A chance for a new beginning, a new start, time to escape those mistakes that can hang over us like a cloud when someone says to us, "Remember when..."  But with each new beginning come new (sometimes unforeseen) challenges.  

Maybe Abram was excited until the third day of the journey under the scorching hot sun and the wine skins are running dry and he wondered, "What was I think?!"  Then, maybe a pool of water suddenly appeared like the grace of God to refresh his energy and replenish his body.  

Moving is always part of the both and of life.  We lean into a grace and a strength that is not our own.  We leap into a hope and into new situations that might challenge us in good ways and push our buttons in difficult ways.  Yet, God promises God's presence to Abram.  God offers a blessing.  

What God does NOT offer is some money back guarantee that life is going to be all peaches and cream just because Abram listens and leaps into God's grace.  In fact, Abram will end up in Egypt and try to pass his wife, Sarai, off as his sister lest he run amok with the Pharaoh who had some romantic inclinations to Sarai.  It is not Abram's finest moment.  But then again the stress of moving pushes all of us to our limits.  

We often confuse blessing/blessedness with a promise of everything is going to be alright.  To be blessed is about knowing/noticing God's presence even in the stress.  The hug that comes at just the right time or renewed strength to face the ups/downs of the road before you.

To be sure, there are always bumps and laughter in our journey.  As I set out, I do so trusting in God's guidance and grace...that while it is not always is always a promise of presence that makes a difference.

Wishing you God's blessings...and the next post will be from Sarasota, FL!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are coming, looking forward to seeing and hearing you.
    Love the name of your blog. Welcome to Sarasota.



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