Monday, March 4, 2013

Good morning

"Rise and Shine," parents around the world say to their children.  We know that with the rising of the sun there is a new day, a new chance, new opportunities, and new challenges.  The process of waking up takes time; for some longer than others depending on the time of day.  I like to wake up early and get going.  I like the mornings, when the sun first peaks over the horizon.  This is my kind of vision from Isaiah.

I realize that not everyone likes mornings as much as I do.  But "rise and shine" is less about the time of day and more about your attitude.  Even if it is do you go about the rest of your waking hours?  In fact, some could say that since the days of creation go from evening to daytime, that those who are night owls are more like God who created at night.

Rise and shine also refers to how the People of God came back from Exile.  They came back with expectation and hope.  Expectation that God would guide them and hope that God would sustain them.  What if we would try that?  What if every day this week, we greeted with expectation of encountering God? What if every day this week, we held on to hope that God would guide us?

That is tough when we hit the speed bump of life, especially considering how fast we live our lives.  We move so fast today that life is a blur.  And so, when something difficult happens, the bump is jarring!  Rise and shine reminds us of how we can see our life.  Even the bumps come, the warmth of God's love can make a difference.  Even when the storm clouds gather, the sun can break through and dance in the raindrops forming rainbows.

Rise and shine, if the people who lived in exile for so long could say that, maybe we could try saying it for a week.

May the traces of God's grace move in your life whenever you rise and shine this week.


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