Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Waking Up

Isaiah tells the people to be alert and awake.  Again, remember the people of God are in exile, in a foreign land, their temple lay smoldering in ash, walls in ruins, and things have never seemed that bad.  Wake that?  Really?  

Most of us today struggle with facing the reality around us.  Often we turn to food...or shopping... alcohol...medication...or other addictions to help us be desensitized to the pain.  Brene Brown talks about this in her TED talk.  I encourage you to watch that.

Brene talks about needing to live our lives wholehearted.  That sounds great when life is going well, the lights are on, and laughter comes easy.  But when things get in a slump and things are difficult, we don't always want to wake up.  So, we turn to screen time...we lose ourselves in television or chat rooms...certainly not this blog, but maybe others.

How do we wake up to this world?  And do we want to?  I wonder if the People of God in Isaiah had the same questions.  Did they want to wake up to the reality around them?  I am not sure it is easy to wake up.  But I know most mornings, it is a slow process.  

I do think one of the ways we notice the traces of God's grace is in the realities of this world...even when the realities are not easy to wake up to.  I pray you might wake up to that today>

Blessings and peace!

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