Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What do we hear?

Click here to read Isaiah 27

When I read Isaiah 27, I hear the melody and words of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" in the back of my mind.  This was written by Julie Ward Howe around the time of the Civil War.  While most of the lyrics have connections and images from the Book of Revelation, there are some echoes of sword and vineyard that are heard in Isaiah.

The vineyard was an image of Israel, remember back to Isaiah 5, where God plants a vineyard and all God got was sour grapes.  So, now twenty-two chapters later, the vineyard (Israel) is finally bearing good fruit.  Somethings just take time.

The image of God guarding, watching over, day and night brings to mind images from Psalm 121.  This psalm was sung by pilgrims as they journeyed to Jerusalem about God not slumbering or sleeping.  This was especially important when traveling in unfamiliar and unfriendly territories with bandits and robbers waiting, perhaps, when you cross over the top of the hill.

Part of what I hear in the image of the sword and mouth is a sense that our words have power to hurt or help.  While children are taught, "sticks and stones my break my bones, but words can never hurt me," get no further than Elementary School to have that be disproved.  And don't get me started about Middle School.

Isaiah 27 is a reminder that God is with us and God can be heard in the words that we absorb through our lives.  Tomorrow, listen...really listen, to words that sound like they might be in harmony with the melody of God's still speaking voice.

May the traces of God's grace be heard in your life.

Blessings and peace!

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