Thursday, May 31, 2012

Coming a blog near you

Dear Friends,
For the next three weeks I will be at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota working through my third year of  my doctorate program.  So, I am going to shift gears and I will be blogging about what I am learning.  I pray this will offer two blessings.  One it is a great way for me to process and share with you.  Second, it is a great ways for you to hear a bit about what I am learning and respond in the comments.  Please, it really is okay to post a comment.

Over the three weeks I will take three classes.

June 4-8 is about preaching in a context.   See my last post about our geography impacting our faith.
June 11-15 is about parables...stories Jesus told that challenge us, even offend us, or stories that have a sideways message.
June 18-22 is a week devoted to learning more about writing my dissertation.

I will try to share with you twice each week or when the spirit moves me...and the wireless internet connection allows.

I appreciate your prayers...may the traces of God's grace in your life and mine guide us as we enter June.


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