Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas

On a silent night
On a holy night
Long ago the first faint gleam of Christmas
Broke into our world
It all happened in a little town of Bethlehem
And while others might have said, 'what child is this?'
Two parents knew in their hearts who the child was
Who slept away in a manger
But that wasn't all
Angel from the realms of glory
Sang out with gusto to shepherd who watched their flock by night
And hark the herald angels sing out still
The good news of great joy to all people
Unto us a child was born
Unto us a son give
Who is the light to the world
Who is the response to the prayer, O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Who is Christ.

As we inch toward that silent night and holy night this year,
May God's unconditional and unceasing love's pure light
Shine forth in your life.

Thank you for reading Grace Traces...I look forward to continuing to share random thoughts and moments when I notice the traces of God's grace in my life in ways that hopefully speak deeply to your heart, life, and faith throughout 2012.

Merry Christmas to you and God's peace in 2012

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all you've added to my Advent this year. I hope that sometime you'll blog about "the refiner's fire" so that others can read your Malachi thoughts.



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